Advance Notice For Earthly Impact

Early Warning System for Solar Eruptions

Advance Notice for Earthly Impact

SXI Observations Provide Critical Time

The Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) instrument aboard the GOES satellites provides valuable early warnings of impending solar eruptions. By observing the development of active regions on the Sun's surface, SXI can detect signatures that indicate the potential for a coronal mass ejection (CME). This advance notice gives scientists and emergency responders at least 15 hours before the associated shockwave of the solar eruption arrives at Earth, allowing them to prepare and take appropriate mitigation measures.

Aurora Borealis Sighted in Maine

Stunning Celestial Display

In a recent demonstration of SXI's early warning capabilities, the instrument detected an impending CME on September 14, 2022. The eruption sent a shockwave towards Earth, which collided with our planet's magnetic field, triggering a spectacular display of aurora borealis. Photographer Nate deLabry captured stunning images of the celestial light show from Sebago Lake, Maine, providing a glimpse of the impact of solar activity on our planet.

Importance of Early Warning Systems

Protecting Infrastructure and Human Lives

Early warning systems like SXI are crucial for protecting critical infrastructure, such as power grids and communication networks, from the effects of solar eruptions. These events can cause geomagnetic storms that induce electrical currents in conductors, leading to damage or disruption of services. By providing advance notice, SXI enables utilities and emergency responders to take steps to mitigate these impacts, ensuring the safety and well-being of communities.


The early warning capabilities provided by the SXI instrument are a testament to the advances in space observation and forecasting. By allowing for timely preparation, SXI helps safeguard our infrastructure and communities from the potential effects of solar eruptions. This advanced technology represents an invaluable tool for mitigating the risks associated with space weather and ensuring the well-being of our planet.

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